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Important Dates

For 2024-25  School Year

Fall 2024:

August 5th- First class day for: High School Physics, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry

August 12th- Orientation- Required for all families;  Time-TBA;  NO Geometry or Algebra 1 class this day only

August 19th- Fall Semester begins-all other classes 

September 2nd- Labor Day-NO CLASSES

November 25th- NO CLASSES

December 9th- Fall Semester ends for Christmas Break

Spring 2025:

January 6th- Classes begin for Spring Semester 

March 17th-21st- Spring Break NO CLASSES

April 28th- Spring Semester ends​

Graduation- Date TBD



Class times will run from 8:30 AM-2:30 PM

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