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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about our organization, how it's structured, or just what do we do? Check out our answers to these questions and more below. 

What is a homeschool co-op?

A homeschool co-op is a group of families that have chosen to come together to educate and/or offer social activities for their children. Families share in teaching the students in various class settings. Homeschool co-op's function as a supplement to what the family is already doing in their home education, not as a replacement or alternative to it.

Who are the teachers in FAITH Homeschool co-op?

Parents are the primary teachers in our co-op. Classes may sometimes be taught by outside persons that may have specialized skills or knowledge that Faith feels would be a benefit to our community.

Is FAITH accredited?

FAITH Homeschool Co-op is not a school and therefore cannot seek accreditation like a private school or public school can. We are merely a group of like minded families who have come together to share our knowledge and assist one another by teaching classes and skills.

Can I drop my child off and go run errands?

Do I have to stay the entire day?

We do not allow students to be dropped off. With the exception of high school students 16 and older who drive themselves to co-op, every parent must stay on site with their children and be in the building. This policy is required by our host site and is a safety issue.

We do not require families to enroll in all the classes or stay the entire day. Feel free to sign up for classes as suits your schedule and needs.

Can my high school student come without me?

High school students 16-18, who have a valid driver's license, may come without a parent to co-op. The student is required to have a parking pass and fully abide by our Code of Conduct while on site. Parents are still required to volunteer in some capacity on-site as determined by the Board of Directors.

What do parents who are not teaching do during the co-op day?

I work from home, would I be able to do that on-site, in a quiet area?

What classes are offered?

All parents are assigned a "job" during the co-op day. This may be assisting in a class, checking people in/out, cleaning, or supervising the common areas. Because we are an all volunteer organization it takes every parent working together, or cooperating together, to make the day run smoothly.

Unfortunately no. Our homeschool co-op day only happens because of our parent volunteers helping in various roles throughout the day. It is advisable that you plan for the possibilty of not being able to work while on site. While we understand and applaud parents who work and homeschool we cannot make special accomodations. Due to the limits of available space of our host site, lack of internet access, and no guarantee of a quiet area, we cannot provide separate areas for working parents. Also, parents are expected to watch their own children throughout the time they are not in a class.

Classes change from year to year depending on what the needs are of students and what parents wish to teach. They may consist of core classes such as math, language arts, foreigh language, science, or history. As well as electives such as theater, dance, crafts, PE/games to name a few. The class offerings each year are often a good mix of both for ages PreK-12th.

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